Designing Your Restaurant’s menu a well designed menu can draw in clients and keep them happy. These easy, simple tips make it possible to please your customers the second they walk inside your space.

Logical Sections

Diners are thinking about what they want to eat and why the second they sit down. Make it easy for them to think about the progression of their meal.

A good menu will flow logically. One area can be devoted to appetizers while the next is all about main courses. A third section can make it clear what drinks and desserts are available.

Well Chosen Photographs

Photographs are a must when it comes to the creation of a well thought menu for your clients. People eat with their eyes as well as their taste buds.

You want to make that process easier when people look at the menu. Show off your food well.

Good lighting and clear photographs can help them realize what you can offer long before they take that first bite.

Excellent Graphics

Graphics are another thing to think about when you’re putting a menu in place. Graphics are a great way to express the personality of your space.

Free menu template offered by Lightspeed will provide you a lot more ideas and you can figure out what is going to work best for your product.

The use of graphics can help parents figure out what their kids like to eat and then draw their attention to the more grown up area of the menu where they can offer a sophisticated appetizer and a well made cocktail.

Good Color

Color adds so much to any menu. People make associations between food, mood and color all the time.

For example, if you have a menu full of Latin American specialties, you can choose colors that evoke the Mexican flag like red, white and green.

Other colors can also serve as a visual reminder of the kind of food you want to show off. If you are serving seafood, use colors like turquoise and deep shades of blue.

That will remind diners that you’re getting items for them directly from boats. Add shades of pink and yellow to call to mind a pleasant summer day.

Easy to Read Typeface

Any restaurant menu should be easy to read. That’s why you’ll want to opt for a typeface that people can readily understand.

Good typefaces can also help clients understand what your restaurant stands for and why they should stop by for a fabulous meal. That means you can bring in a typeface with a fun feel that shows off why this is a place that is going to please kids and parents alike.

If you’re putting menus out for people to peruse, a good typeface can also let them glance at the menu and decide if they would like to come inside.

These simple tips can make it easy to offer any client a menu that tells them what you’re all about.