Big Ideas for Small Business is the national peer network led by the National League of Cities (NLC) that aims it accelerate efforts by local governments to support small businesses and encourage entrepreneurship.

And also its direct peer-to-peer engagement expands the capacity of city staff. It explores common challenges, shares proven strategies. And collaborate on new approaches for creating different business-friendly cities.

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Also, the Big Ideas for Small Business toolkit discusses essential strategies for local leaders to be better advocates for small businesses.

And our report guides creating ecosystems that support small business growth, reorganizing city resources to meet small businesses’ needs better. And provides the business owners with access to new sources of capital.

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What are the Specific strategies highlighted in this report?

Connect the Small Businesses to Information and Resources

Also, establish the Small Business Resource Center

Also, advocate for Small Businesses via Community-Led Councils or Committees

And proactively Engage the Local Business Community

Also, provide Platforms for Networking

Also, it creates Incubator Spaces

And they celebrate Successful Businesses

Develop One-Stop-Shops and Express Lanes at City Hall

Also, streamline City Regulations and the Inspection Process

It helps Small Businesses Build a Web Presence

And Support Microlending and Crowdfunding

It encourages Local Small Businesses to Bid for City Contracts

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